If there is a family poised to transform lives, Lifecare Children & Women Empowerment Initiative (LCCWEI) is that family. Hope is an attribute that propels the lives of many; where there is no hope, there is no life! As a lifecare family, we are intentional in ensuring that we mold a great future generation. “How do we know that we are molding a great future generation?” one may ask. It is by facilitating the bringing up of children who are empowered, children who know their true potential, and children who are instilled with moral support for humanity. At LCCWEI, we call them children of change for they are being trained to be life-transformers.

Over the past four years, LCCWEI has placed children from different backgrounds on the road of hope by enrolling them in school programs. This is a journey to give them an opportunity of brightening their future and that of their families. Through this empowerment program, the children are given family care to learn how to care for others and support those in need. LCCWEI does not only pay for their school fees and put food on their tables, it also gives them family time. From time to time, LCCWEI social workers visit the parents and guardians of the children where they have time together with the children and make them feel the warmth of family love.
By instilling family values and hope in the children, we believe that they will grow to be responsible people, people who can take care of others in the future, and a blessed people. As proverbs say, “Point your kids in the right direction— when they’re old they won’t be lost.” This is our call, to point the children in the right direction; the direction of love, obedience, care, hard work, and compassion. This is a bright road of hope.
We believe that all effort put into this journey will be fruitful. This is a collective responsibility to the society that calls for the support of all children who are struggling to get the very basic needs and education. LCCWEI calls on you today to join hands in this noble task and see that our children become agents of change.
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