There has been rampant growth in demand for workers especially in the health sector due to the arising needs for care of the COVID-19 patients across the world. Health facilities are required to cater to every patient coming in despite the high numbers and the adherence of social distancing. This means more health workers are needed to work in the health facilities and at community levels to ensure everyone’s needs are catered for. There is a high need for anticipation, preparation, and response to crises all over the earth. For this to take place effectively, there must be proper plans of concern for the safety and health of the workers.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) calls for resilient occupational safety and health systems for future emergencies across the world. 28th April 2021 was set apart for the World Day for Safety and Health at Work to recognize the need for safety and health systems that would minimize the risks for every worker in the world in case of health emergencies. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of workers and caused the death of over seven thousand health workers. Other 136 million healthcare and social workers are also at risk of contracting the virus even as countries try to bring down the infection rates.
The Lifecare Children and Women Empowerment Initiative (LCCWEI) has been working with community healthcare volunteers to help the vulnerable communities during this pandemic period. LCCWEI has taken the initiative of protecting its volunteers by adhering to the COVID-19 protocols and setting up policies and framework that protects the volunteers as they conduct their activities. We acknowledge the efforts and the dedication of every worker serving in various sectors.