The end of the year is a very overwhelming time for everyone. A lot of activities pile up during the holiday as people cram in preparations for the festive and new year as well as evaluate achievements of the past 12 months. Memories of good times, hardships, achievements, failures, love, heartbreaks, sharing, and tests print our path down the entire year. These memories help us to reflect on our purpose in life, the steps we are making to reach our destiny, and the ultimate goal of finishing strong. Indeed, we don’t come this far to only come this far and as Paul the Apostle says, “…run in such a way as to get the prize.”

It has been another year that most people have found it a nightmare as they try to find survival ways amid a pandemic. As history is filled with auspicious beginnings, so did many people start the year with enormous dreams and goals to achieve come a time like this. Some managed to achieve all they planned for, some almost got it, and some missed it all. That is life! We are all destined for a great future. We all plan but the Lord establishes our steps.
Everyone has in one way or the other impacted a life this year. Either through prayer, moral support, financial support, spiritual nurturing, checkup call, message, or physical presence, that counts towards life transformation achievement. We ought to be grateful and rejoice knowing that as long as we have the breath of life, there is still hope for another chance to do it bigger and better. Again, Paul the Apostle encourages us in Hebrews 10:35 that we should not through away our confidence for it will be richly rewarded.
Hope is all we need to start over again. It is what we need to finish up strong. It is what we need to progress to the next level. As the year ends, let’s pick up the broken pieces, let’s get back to the drawing board, let’s step on to the next level, and face 2022 with confidence knowing that He who started the good work in us carry it on to completion. Let’s build our faith and work on our passion hoping that good things are waiting on us at the other end.