Many people often dwell on keeping their bodies fit through physical exercises and a balanced diet. However, they seldom consider the wellness of their minds. Peace of mind is vital in our daily lives. A lot of things happen in our workplaces, homes, schools, and marketplaces that build up stress in our minds, hence disrupting our peace. Since we cannot fully avoid stress, it is important to learn the means of achieving a peaceful mind. People should strive to have internal peace with themselves and society at large. With a peaceful mind, it is possible also to have peace with other people around you. Peaceful thinking is attributed to psychological peace, which establishes behavioral peace.

Inner tranquility enables us to be at peace irrespective of the uncertainties of life. Oftentimes, our peace is dependent on the things surrounding us. We tend to lose our peace when there is war around us, when there is no security, when our financial situation is not right, when we get sick, just to mention a few. People get into conflicts when they feel insecure or want to defend themselves. Some people get into conflict with themselves too! Cases of self-endangerment have been heard when things feel completely out of hand for some people. They lack peace!
The big question that one would as is, “where does peace come from?” Peace comes from the spirit. The Bible tells us not to be anxious about anything. It assures us that the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and our mind. We, therefore, get the answer to the big question. We should submit to the Lord and present our petition in prayers with thanksgiving to Him, and He will wipe away our worries.