Lifecare Children & Women Empowerment Initiative (LCCWEI) has made tremendous moves in education matters during May. LCCWEI pledged to offer social support, including counseling to the voiceless and other families struggling with adverse life challenges such as spousal death that were family support systems. This keeps the organization moving towards achieving its mission and vision.
On Monday, 16th May 2022, LCCWEI conducted the second phase of out-of-school scholarship spot check for our wards in Sattelite Town and IJegun Lagos. The two schools visited were PRaise international School (Nursery and primary) and St Margret group of schools (Secondary school) located in Sattelite Town and IJegun Lagos. Two children, Favour and Divine Basil, were the major focus of the day.

They were enrolled in the LCCWEI school program after their father’s death by accident. He was electrocuted the same day he enrolled them into school and went to work but never returned home alive. Since LCCWEI took over the responsibility of training these two children, their lives have been full of excitement. The girls are performing excellently in their education.

The LCCWEI social workers inspected all their results from the day the girls were enrolled to date. They are consistent in their grades. The school confirmed through the headteacher that one of the girls is the most intelligent and the best in her class.
The team also made findings concerning their welfare at home and confirmed that everything was in good condition. Two years ago, their mother was ejected from her place of shelter. Through the help of the LCCWEI team and her late husband’s family involvement, she was able to raise funds for a one-bedroom accommodation. The children have a comfortable place to rest after school. The widowed mother of these two children was full of gratitude for what the organization was doing in her life and children. LCCWEI will visit them again in the coming week for arrangements on how to pay this term’s school fees and other educational support programs they may need for the entire term.
We thank God for the milestone LCCWEI has taken, and we hope to go further and achieve more. We urge volunteers to hold hands with us to achieve this noble call by donating in cash or social support. Together we can make this world a better place.