Love is a simple thing yet an important aspect of everyone’s life across the world. It is the simple thing that we do that shows the love in us. Mothers are at the forefront of developing the aspect of love in our lives. From the day one is born, the mother’s gestures develop a sense of love through the small things such as hugging and paying attention to the baby’s needs. Throughout our upbringing, at least we can attest that we first felt love by having someone taking care of us. Someone who is there in times of need be it in good or bad times. It’s no wonder children commonly start by babbling mama as their first word! The attachment and affection from our mothers are so strong that we cannot afford to forget them.

It is through our mother’s love that we shape our culture and personal attributes. We tend to look for love when we miss it because we have an inner understanding of what it means to be loved. Because of the motherly love, we know how to share, say sorry, forgive, cherish, and embrace others. People do all sorts of things because of love. Without love, we feel empty! Everyone deserves to love and be loved, especially our mothers. Loving and honoring our mothers is so significant that it assures us long life and it may be well with us.
In some unfortunate circumstances, it becomes tough for some mothers to take good care of their children but they still love them. Some mothers have given up their children for adoption just to give the children a chance for a better life because the situations are tough at home. Some mothers have looked for well-wishers to help their children to pursue life and brighten their future. This is a show of selflessness! Lifecare Children & Women Empowerment Initiative (LCCWEI) have put great effort to support women in harsh conditions and empowering them so that they may be able to support their children and families. The empowerment of women is key in showing them love and appreciation for the role they play in our lives and society.