The beginning of a new year is a fantastic time to flashback, contemplate, plan, wipe the slate, and begin new ventures or shape up continuing projects. It is a time to work on resolutions and dedicate them to God. Those with unsuccessful 2022 pick up their pieces and hope that the new year would be good for them. Everyone fought a battle, if not battles, in 2022. Some people recorded victories, some defeats, and others have learned lessons. A new year brings with it a new window of opportunities that everyone should look to with optimism. To most people, a new year is symbolic of a new beginning, a clean slate, another chance, or new changes.

Irrespective of how we pick up the new year, it is for sure that certain things must reoccur in life. Everyone has some downtimes and cheerful moments in life. Challenges have to come up in one way or the other. Challenges come to everyone either rich or poor but to different degrees. This doesn’t mean that we should sit down and fold our hands and wait for the worst to happen. It is said that failing to plan is planning to fail. Even as we plan for the new year, we need to be ready to face the challenges that come our way.
Some people find it difficult to come up with a plan that would guide them throughout the year and this is not so strange. One important thing to note is what you want to achieve this year. It is important to note it down as a reminder and a motivation. The other thing is to declutter the unnecessary things from the past year to create room for a fresh mission of the new year.
This helps to reorganize and know where one lost track and avoid last year’s mistakes. Having a more positive mind is crucial to successfully achieving a goal. See things positively to attract positive energy that will push you through. Having your priorities right also helps in the strive to achieve your goals. Prioritize your time, finances, and relationships. These things will at least guide you as you progress into 2023.
Lifecare Children & Women Empowerment Initiative (LCCWEI) looks forward to a more fruitful year. We intend to reach out to more needy families and give aid to transform lives more effectively this year. We wish everyone a prosperous year and we look forward to amazing testimonies by the end of 2023.