Human health is a basic human right that involves complete wellness in physical, mental, and social states. Being healthy enables a person to function appropriately in an environment where mental, physical, social, and spiritual factors are considered. The state of being healthy is not just having the absence of illness but an all-around fitness. Health is associated with economic factors. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed to the world how important health is to the economy. The economy depends greatly on how healthy the community is and the health of the people depends on how they work together. Being in a healthy state is an opportunity to think smart and achieve incredible goals that lead to better income and better living.
The marginalized and developing countries have a challenge with the health systems, which affects the quality of healthcare services. In turn, the economic growth is exacerbated by the inability to function properly either physically, socially, or mentally. The inability to function properly either physically or mentally results in low input in terms of finances. Hence, people end up living in poverty and deteriorating conditions. The COVID-19 outbreak lead to many people being physically inactive while staying indoors to avoid contamination while others stopped working after contracting the virus. All these people felt the pinch of financial strain as they could not generate income, especially those in the informal sectors.

Governments and non-governmental organizations have shown efforts to improve the health sectors to facilitate healthy living of the residents. The World Health Organization has significantly supported the struggling African countries to enhance their health systems and give the people better chances of functioning maximumly to generate wealth. Healthy children are able to pursue their studies well and increase their chances of securing better income sources in their adulthood. Lifecare Children & Women Empowerment Initiative have engaged in a mission to support the marginalized children in Africa to get better healthcare, including food and social support, to ensure they have the capacity to mold a better future for their lives.