Family engagement with children can take many forms and can be beneficial for both the child and the family. Family engagement during the early years of a child’s life is one of the most powerful predictors of a child’s development. The first teachers of children are families who determine the success of their upbringing through the quality of parent-child interaction. Work, school, and personal life can be barriers to attaining quality time with loved ones. Family engagement activities such as reading together, playing games, going on outings, and participating in family traditions strengthen bonds leading to a deeper connection between parents or caregivers with the children. With the rise of technology usage in our household, it is challenging to create a family function without involving gadgets.

Parents need to have a healthy connection with their children and avoid leaving parental duties to nannies and teachers. Family engagement does not only operate in the household but also schools and the community. Connected children impact social relationships and behavior and improve positive outcomes. Family engagement helps parents feel connected to their children and the community. Family engagement is a gradual process that takes time to plan and put into action for it to be successful. Children are more successful in school when parents are actively engaged in their homework, it shows how significant parents’ involvement creates confidence in children. Adolescents who have developed a bond with their parents are less likely to engage in risky behavior and tend to have higher self-esteem as compared to teens who lack parental engagement.
The presence of high resiliency in children has long-term goals which prove helpful when facing challenges in workplaces, schools, and relationships. The COVID-19 pandemic led to many challenges and uncertainties at home. To better reduce stress and worry in children, parents were forced to adopt new ways to support the emotional well-being of their children. Creating a routine and activities that break the boredom that comes with quarantine is a good way to deal with depression. Even though parenting becomes a bit exhausting at times, children depend wholly on their families to attain a confident self-assuring attitude that predicts their future. Parenting is a gradual process and it never ends no matter how old a child gets, it is a never-ending task and journey.
Engaging with children in activities that are meaningful and enjoyable for both the child and the adult can help strengthen relationships, promote positive communication, and support child development. Additionally, parents and caregivers who are actively engaged in their child’s life tend to have a better understanding of their child’s needs, strengths, and challenges, which can help them provide more effective support and guidance.