The high level of rape and sexual abuse within our immediate communities is adversely threatening and disturbing our society. The need to preserve our society and save our children remains our collective effort, especially as parents. For this reason, the Lifecare Children and Women Empowerment Initiative (LCCWEI) program took the initiative of combating sexual vices and abuse within the Alimosho, Baruwa, and IPaja communities. The program ended on May 29, 2021, and recorded a huge success.

The LCCWEI social workers did an extensive survey and selected parents and some key stakeholders within these communities. They were trained on parenting models and modern techniques needed in curbing child neglect and sexual abuse. The availability of parents remains the major key in responding to this menace. Amid business and workload, parents must know that their failure in raising a sound and stable generation marks the end of all businesses, for there is no accomplishment without a sound family. The registered participants were urged to take the message to their various homes and families, to every clan and compound.

We believe strongly that with this circle of training across our various communities, parents and guardians will have enough information on how to raise and handle their children. The parents will be able to equip their children with the right mindset to avoid environments that encourage rape and abuse and to also identify when sexual abuse occurs. The next Advocacy program will be on the 4th of June in OJO area of Lagos. The participants went home with small food items too, to support their homes. Counseling sessions were conducted for those who are presently struggling to deal with their teenage wards.