The current global employment challenges and low capacity to solve human needs have pushed the lifecare initiative (LCCWEI) to focus on career development advocacy. There is a need to strategize and wade above the tides of unemployment to secure future careers for the upcoming generation. LCCWEI has been consistent with the school Advocacy project through corporation with school heads in Lagos in vulnerable regions to voluntarily train students on carrier choices and strategies to study smart.

On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, the LCCWEI social workers were at Abba Rabba schools in the interiors of Ipaja Ayobo to train students on career choices. The target student group was the Top Jss and SS classes.
An interactive talk was conducted on narrowing down career choices based on subjects they are more inclined towards rather than following the crowd.
We understood that most children depend on the choices made by their close friends in selecting subjects and courses. Some dwell on their parents’ wishes regardless of their strengths or weaknesses, which has produced weak students and unemployable graduates in the long run. Students were taught the proper ways to convince their parents and wards to allow them to fly in their comfortable atmosphere for more remarkable achievements in the Future. The social workers used real-life cases and personal experiences to drive the message to the students.

We can build a better tomorrow by showing our children the right paths to follow in academic matters. It extends beyond the blackboard to shape the future career of the students. A brighter future is guaranteed to a child who is well-informed on career paths and choices.
Indeed, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Abraham Lincoln.

Good job
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